Wednesday 22 July 2015

Ayla's Holiday

In the holidays I went to my grandma's house, picked up rubbish, had hot chocolate, went to an art and pottery class, did mini-golf, went rock climbing, watched movies, played ROBLOX and did some work for my badges for Cubs.
I enjoyed being at the art and pottery class. We made castles and towers for pottery class and happy Picasso faces for art. I also enjoyed doing work for my badges because it meant that I would get a badge. I was working on my art, conservation, cooking and book reader badge. 
I didn't enjoy the cold and slipping over and hurting my foot. 
Next holidays I would like to do the same things and spend more time with my family and having fun. Well, all of that apart from slipping and hurting my foot. 

By Ayla 


  1. Tihei & Destiny22 July 2015 at 10:50

    Did you like your holidays and what is your username on ROBLOX!!!

  2. did you like ur holidays

  3. Wow Ayla you must of had a wonderful holiday. that sounds fun pottery class.

  4. I hope you enjoyed your fun holiday

  5. I hope you had a fun holiday

